

custom app

Custom built offline web app for CVR, used to track product sales and customer information. Designed specifically for customers needs.


A quick View of the CVR Web App
build specifically for CVR

Creative Design

Designed for ease of use and speed in a fast pase retail establishment.

Device Designed

Full featured desktop terminal with access to back end funcitons. And limited feture mobile terminal.

Clean Code

Two source files, app runs off a minified verion for fast responce time. Second folder contains all code; oranized and notated.

Pixel Perfect

Every pixel calibrated perfectly for customers device.

App features

This web app has been designed and build from scratch spacificlly to meet CVR's needs.

Well Documented

All transactions, notes, edits, and changes log the user completing them, and can be cross referenced with all data inputed.

Run Reports

Many report options, run custom or prebuilt reports to quickly gather information for your books.

User Spacific

Admins and users have diffrent information available to them, restrict staff to what they need.

Local Database

Keeping all data close and safe, mobile terminals link to local database on host desktop.

Customer Info

Requires customer to enter all information before accepting them into the database.

Creative Design

CVR had full control over the look, feel, and funcitonality of the entire terminal.


Screen shots from the app
(all previously view in this site)