Grace Baptist Church


Pastor White

Dr Steven J White

Dr. Steven J White, D.Div.

As an unsaved teenager, someone said to Pastor White that Jesus Christ was his best friend. At the time, Pastor White thought this was crazy - how could a dead person be your best friend? However, this thought never left him. After High School, he began his search to find the truth. He began reading his Bible, and came across the word ‘tithe’. It was explained to him what it meant, and so he decided he needed to find a church to give his ‘tithe’. In the process of time, he learned, and understood about the free gift from God, salvation, that was his for the receiving. So, on April 6, 1975, Pastor White asked Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Saviour, a desision he has never regreted.

In 1978 he went off to Bible School, and upon graduation he started a church in Ottawa, ON, where he served the Lord faithfully for 18 years. In 1999 he and his family moved out to the West Coast, where he eventualy started Grace Baptist Church.

On October 3, 1999, Grace Baptist Church had their first service, meeting in the Pavilion of Bear Creek Park in Surrey. God has since faithfully led the church every step of the way.

The Lord has enabled us to develop many ministries, geared towards the children, teens, college age, ladies, men, music, and so on. God has also blessed us to start a Bible College, “Pacific West Baptist College”.

Pastor White has a deep desire to please God, and to win lost souls to Christ. He is an old fashioned Bible preacher, his only textbook being the Bible. Under the blessed Hand of God, Grace Baptist Church has grown into a family of believers whose ministry extends from Surrey, BC and around the globe through our missionaries.

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